This file is part of the FOSCommentBundle package.
(c) FriendsOfSymfony
This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled
with this source code in the file LICENSE.
{% trans_default_domain 'FOSCommentBundle' %}
{% set first = first|default(false) %}
{% set url_parameters = {'id': id } %}
{% if parent is not null %}
{% set url_parameters = url_parameters|merge({'parentId': parent.id}) %}
{% endif %}
{% block fos_comment_comment_form_holder %}
{% endblock fos_comment_comment_form_holder %}
{{ "fos_comment_comment_new_headline_first"|trans }}
{% elseif parent is not null %}{% trans with {"%name%": parent.authorName } from 'FOSCommentBundle' %}fos_comment_comment_reply_reply_to{% endtrans %}
{% else %}{% trans from 'FOSCommentBundle' %}fos_comment_comment_new_headline{% endtrans %}
{% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block fos_comment_comment_new_form %} {% endblock fos_comment_comment_new_form %}